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The local authority has deactivated the automatic school meal cash balance email to parents/carers with immediate effect, due to a issues linked to system upgrade work on the cashless catering system.


Civica Cashless Solutions previously extracted parent e-mail information from SIMS to produce pupil account balance information. However, as I am sure you will be aware, we have now moved to use the ‘Wonde’ system.  The Civica system downloads pupil information via Wonde and then forwards that information to the council’s email system as a scheduled task, in order to generate a pupil balance email for parents. Unfortunately, due to a system issue, some emails are being sent to unintended recipients, leading to potential data protection and/or safeguarding issues.


As Civica is not responsible for the validity of the data used to send balance e-mails and as the Council’s e-mail system cannot cleanse the data to ensure the correct emails go to the correct parents/carers, the local authority has had to take the decision to shut down the pupil balance email alert system for the time-being, to avoid any data protection or safeguarding breaches.


I would be grateful if you could advise parents of this issue and that the local authority is working closely with Civica for a solution to allow the reinstatement of automatic email balance alerts in the near future.


I am grateful for your cooperation in this matter.

YGGLLAN: Swyddog Gweinyddol a Chyllidol – llawn amser, tymor yn unig

Gwelir yr hysbyseb am swydd yn yr ysgol, oes modd rhannu gydag unrhyw un fyddai efallai â diddordeb.


Please find attached an exciting job opportunity for a Finance and Administrator Officer in Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd. This is a full time position, term time only (plus 5 additional days),

The ability to converse and understand Welsh is essential so if you know of anyone who may be interested please can you share this advertisement with them. Further details can be found on ETEACH using the link below.


Swyddog Gweinyddol a Chyllidol – llawn amser, tymor yn unig

Hysbyseb Swyddog Gweinyddol Cyllidol Hydref 2023


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd are pleased to announce further development to Siop Tîm Llan during this academic year. Siop Tîm llan is a school run initiative where we collect pre-loved school uniform to offer them to our school families. The shop has proved to be hugely successful in providing Tîm Llan with items of clothing free of charge not only supporting families financially but also providing a sustainable way of acquiring school clothes.

Siop Tîm Llan will be available during every school open evenings and parents evening during this academic year. As well as this, you will have an opportunity to order clothes from the shop online by completing and submitting this form: >>SIOP TÎM LLAN<< We ask that you give us up to 10 days to get the items you have ordered ready. You can either pick the items up from reception or it can be given to your child in school.

If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cefnogaeth/ thank you very much for your support,


Mr Owain Tudur

Uwch Arweinydd Lles

Senior Leader of Well-being