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Ras Rynglysol Cofio Kyan Interhouse Rememberence Race


On Tuesday, 12th of September we will remember a dear learner to the school, Kyan Harris. Kyan was a competitive learner who loved all kinds of sport and we will be celebrating his life by hosting a school cross-country interhouse race! The school will be raising money for a charity that had given Kyan and his family so many opportunities and support, Dreams and Wishes! You can donate to the charity through the GATEWAY school payment system or learners will be able to bring cash to donate into our bucket collectors.


  • Everyone to enter the school in health and wellbeing kit  (House colour shirts are allowed to be worn).
  • Changing rooms will be open after each race for learners to change into their school uniform (only) or they can stay in their health and wellbeing uniform until the end of the day.
  • Running Distance:
  • Year 7 and 8 – 2Km (Lesson 1)
  • Year 9 and 10- 2.5Km (Lesson 2
  • Year 11, 12 and 13- 3 Km (Lesson 3)
  • Any learners who cannot take part fully in the race, they will be asked to bring a letter from home. It would be beneficial for everyone to participate in the day and a walking route will be provided.
  • Please bring plenty of water for the run. Water fountains are available to refill.

We really look forward to raising money to remember Kyan and to see which house will be victorious!

YGGLlan: Llangynwyd Transition Pack

Annwyl Riant/Gwarcheidwad,

Gweler isod y ddolen i becyn pontio Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd. Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn dod o hyd i atebion i’ch cwestiynau yma. Edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu eich plentyn i Langynwyd ym mis Medi!


Cliciwch yma>>Pecyn Pontio Llangynwyd Transition Pack<< Click here


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please see below the link to Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd’s transition pack. We hope that you will find answers to any of your questions here. We look forward to welcoming your child to Llangynwyd in September!


Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cefnogaeth/ Thank you very much for your support,

Mr Owain Tudur

Uwch Arweinydd Lles

Senior Leader of Well-being


YGGLlan: Sports Day

School Sport Day 


Dear Parent/Guardian,


On Wednesday 19th of July, the School Sports Day will be held at the Swansea Athletics stadium.


The pupils will be taken straight to the Stadium on their school buses in the morning and will be collected at 2.30pm to return to their homes.  The buses will not be returning to school at any point.  Pupils’ collection and return at the end of the day will be as close as a normal school day.  Transport will be provided for those pupils who walk to school and for pupils travelling on Llynfi buses from Maesteg, leaving the school site at 8.30am.  Please ensure that they arrive promptly.  Parents are not allowed to watch this competition.


A packed lunch will be provided for those who receive free school meals.  Every pupil must bring a packed lunch and plenty of water, sun cream and wear a coloured T shirt to represent their house along with black tracksuit bottoms to wear during the day and black shorts to compete in along with appropriate footwear.


We hope to have another enjoyable and successful sports day this year, where all pupils can contribute to the success of their respective houses in a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.


Yn gywir/Yours Sincerely,


Mr Meurig JONES                       Mr Iwan JONES

Headteacher                   Leader of Health and Wellbeing



YGGLLAN: Happy Easter

Dear learners, parents and guardians,


Having reached the end of another successful school term, it is time to thank you all for your continued support of our school throughout the year to date, and specifically this week.


It has been a privilege to open our doors to Estyn. I am unable to share the content of the report until it is published on 05.06.23, but I would like to thank all involved for their hard work and support during their visit. I take great pride in what Estyn has experienced with us, having met with you the learners, parents, staff and governors. I am grateful that they had the opportunity to witness our core values and the ethos of Team Llan, along with the excellent work we achieve as a school. Thank you so much to you all.


May we all enjoy a well-deserved break over the Easter holidays. I would like to remind those learners who will shortly be sitting their exams the importance of organising their work, preparing to revise, but also to find time to relax.


I wish you all a very happy Easter.



Meurig Jones
