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St David’s Day 1/3/2024

We would like to invite the learners to wear a red jumper with their school uniform, (polo shirt, trousers/skirt, suitable shoes and socks) on Friday 1/3/2024, to celebrate St David’s Day.


YGGLLAN: Defibruary 1/2/2024

Please see attached poster regarding a Defibuary event that will take place at the school on Thursday 1/2/24. Learners will be allowed to wear their own uniform to school, if they wish, for a donation of £1 (cash) towards St John Ambulance.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cefnogaeth/ Thank you very much for your support.



To celebrate the end of term Llangynwyd will be inviting learners to wear a Christmas jumper of their choice to school on THURSDAY 21.12.23! This day will be an opportunity for learners to wear their own clothes to school with a Christmas jumper! In order to raise money for the Save the Children charity we ask that everyone who chooses to wear a Christmas jumper make a donation of £1 minimum on GATEWAY.

Diolch yn fawr iawn/ Thank you very much

Tîm Llan