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JOBS: Exam Invigilators

We are seeking to build upon our current team of invigilators by appointing additional dependable
individuals to undertake the roles of examination invigilators during the school’s external examinations
season. Working hours are flexible but we expect the individuals to be available for work during school
hours during the period May to June 2020. There may also be the opportunity to accept additional
invigilating work throughout the year during periods of internal examinations and also external
examinations held during November, December and January.  For further information please click on the link  below.

Exam invigilation position 2023


FFORWM RHIENI LLANGYNWYD- Ymunwch â thîm Llan, Rydym eisiau clywed gennych chi! Darllenwch y llythyr ac Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymuno â’r fforwm, gofynnwn i chi ddatgan hyn drwy glicio ar y frawddeg hon a llenwi’r ffurflen.


LLANGYNWYD PARENT FORUM- Join Tîm Llan, we want to hear from you! Read the letter and If you have an interest of joining the forum we ask that you declare this by clicking this sentence and filling in the form.

Fforwm Rhieni YGG Llangynwyd Parent Forum

Diolch yn fawr iawn/ thank you very much,

Mr Owain Tudur

Uwch Arweinydd Lles

Senior Leader of Well-being