Latest News

Year 6 Virtual Open Evening

Our website for the Virtual Open Evening for Year 6 is now live, please click on the link.

TimLlan Transition

You can take a tour of the school by watching the following video.

Children In Need 2020

Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a wnaeth gyfrannu at ein casgliad ar gyfer Plant Mewn Angen dydd Gwener ddiwethaf.

We would like to thank everyone that contributed to our collection for Children in Need last Friday.

Cyfanswm £782.65 Total

Diolch yn arbennig i’r dosbarthiadau canlynol a godwyd symiau uchel:

With special thanks to the following classes who collected the most:

7 Garw 1 = £43.95

8 Ogwr 1 = £42.90

7 Llynfi 1 = £38.00

Diolch unwaith eto i bawb!

Once again thank you!

Friday 13/11/2020

Tomorrow as a school we will be celebrating Children In Need Day.  Learners are invited to attend school in their own clothes to raise funds for the charity.  We ask kindly for a donation of £1 for every person who choses to wear their own clothes tomorrow.


NO fancy dress, NO sliders or flip flops.  Please remember that clothing needs to be suitable for a day in school.


If your child is timetabled to have a PE lesson, please ensure that they dress in suitable PE clothing as we do not have facilities for changing due to our Covid arrangements

Thank you for your support..

Statement 10/11/2020

Please read the following Statement 10.11.2020 for information on Year 11 Parent’s evening and the recent announcement in the press with regards to the Summer examinations 2021.

SIMS Parent App

The school is preparing to launch the SIMS Parent App during the next few weeks.  Please check the website for further information. Parents will receive a text message will be sent to advise when the SIMS Parent App will go live.