Blwyddyn 8
YGGLLAN: Christmas Jumper Day 20/12/2024
YGGLlan: Power Cut – School closed to pupils Monday 9/12/2024
Unfortunately the school will be closed on Monday 9th of December in light of an active power cut in the area. According to the National Grid website the power will be restored by 18:00 on Monday and so we will monitor the situation closely and hope that we will be open on Tuesday as usual. We apologies but the power outage may impact our phone system during the day tomorrow. We kindly ask that learners continue with the work set for them on Teams/Classrooms.
YGGLLAN: Photo Day Yrs 8-11 20/11/2024
Halloween Disco
On next Friday afternoon (25/10/24) years 7, 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to celebrate the end of half term with a Halloween disco!
Learners will be welcome to dress up in fancy dress for the disco where there will be prizes for the best dressed in every year group! They are required to come to school in school uniform and a change time table will be shared with learners during the week.
We are asking you to pay £2 on School Gateway which will go towards the school’s charities.
The sixth form learners will be holding a sweet shop to raise money towards their end of year prom so we ask learners to bring cash into school!